Winter preparation begins several weeks before "Old Man Winter" arrives. Greens preparation began right before aerification when the greens received a mineral fertilizer with high amounts of potassium. Potassium helps strengthen the plants and makes them more tolerant to cold temperatures. Aerification reduces organic matter build up (thatch) which also helps with winter survival. Mowing heights are also raised to allow the grass plants to build up needed carbohydrates to survive winter.
The irrigation system gets blown out with air. The pump house also gets winterized which consists of draining the water, removing gauges, disconnecting plumbing and a lot of mouse traps.
Plant protectants are applied to the greens, tees and fairways. These plant protectant fungicides are used to protect the turf from pink and gray snow molds. However, before plant protectants are sprayed on the playing surfaces it is important to clean-up leaves and other debris. To get good preventative control of these two pathogens spray coverage is very important. Please note, that once plant protectants are applied the turf will not be mowed again until spring.