Lawn Care Tips (Mowing)

I sometimes get asked for advice when it comes to home lawns. These might be mowing practices, watering practices, weed problems and even disease and insect problems. I would like to use this blog as a vehicle to give you tips, tricks and advice on lawn care.

The first tip I would like to give is on mowing. You should mow your lawn as tall as you can tolerate. The taller the grass plants the less inputs they will need like water, fertilizer and pesticides. To put things into perspective the rough at the golf course is mowed at 2 inches. My lawn at home is mowed at 3 inches. During periods of summer stress due to high temperatures and drought, I will raise my personal lawn mowing height to 3 1/2 inches. To check the height of cut put a ruler down and measure how tall the grass is after it is mowed. At home I also mulch my clippings, I don't collect them. Dispersing clipping back into your yard provides some nutritional value. Contrary to popular belief clippings do not cause an increase in thatch.