The Golf Course Irrigation System

The irrigation system is an integral part of the golf course and special care needs to be taken when dealing with it. An irrigation system that is comprised of a lot of plumbing, electrical components and moving parts requires constant maintenance, upgrades and repairs. Next week we will be renting a very large air compressor that will allow us to blow out all the water to prepare for the cold winter ahead. These air compressors can put out a lot of air pressure and heat. The initial hook-up needs to be attached to steel plumbing to absorb the heat as the PVC pipe's integrity can be compromised.

Repairs are always being done as the system ages, when leaks are discovered care needs to taken when digging up the area that is leaking as wires and piping can easily be nicked or cut by shovels. Once the leak is exposed we try and reduce the number of fitting that go into the repair. This is done for several reasons, including maximizing the strength, minimizing the risk of future repairs to the area and to save money.  Below are a couple of before and after photos of what has been repaired in the past few weeks.

12 glue joints before repair
4 glue joints after repair

One glue joint after repair
4 glue joints before repair