This is an understandable question that gets asked quite often. To start, all of the equipment and golf course accessories will be gone through. The off season is a great time to fix equipment problems that may be lingering from the season. Preventative maintenance is absolutely necessary which can head off a lot of major breakdowns that can't be absorbed during the season because of down time. Some reels will have to be completely dismantled to replace bearings and seals. Also, all of the reels and bed knives will be ground (sharpened). Some critical bushings will get replaced in some of the equipment. Sometimes replacing a bushing may mean taking a big part of the machine apart. Bushings are cheap in comparison to how much the part costs that they protect. This season our flag sticks, hazard stakes, bunker rake handles and tee markers are all getting a make-over.
I will also reevaluate the entire maintenance department. I try and figure out ways to become more efficient, whether it be by routing our maintenance staff while doing maintenance practices or other things. If we can save time on activities like mowing greens, tees, fairways or raking bunkers throughout the golf season it can add up. I also reevaluate our agronomic and cultural programs. I look at fertilizers and plant protectants like fungicides. Can we use something else that will give us the same or better results but cost less?
I will also take seminars or get involved in web-casts or other online based sessions. Some are used as a refresher, while others are used to learn about new products, trends and techniques. The Michigan Golf Course Superintendent's Association and The Golf Course Superintendent's Association of America will offer seminars or web-casts from an array of topics that include business, communication and agronomic skills.
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Fairways reels ready for grinding |
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Waiting for parts |
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Just needs rear rollers (verticutters) |
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Bunker rake handles ready for vinyl guard |